What we can expect from iOS 14

What we can expect from iOS 14

Apple’s continuous improvement of its operating systems will give us iOS 14 and other OS updates this September. These will be previewed and tested by developers come Apple’s WWDC on June 22, but here’s a quick peek at some of the new apps and features. Nifty app...

Why you need the cloud in the middle of COVID-19

Why you need the cloud in the middle of COVID-19

With the COVID-19 lockdowns forcing most economic sectors to slow down, cloud technology can help your business survive and remain competitive. More specifically, you can cut costs and increase operational efficiency using the cloud. Ensuring continuity and efficiency...

New Windows 10 update: Things you need to know

New Windows 10 update: Things you need to know

The Windows 10 update will roll out on May 26–28, 2020 and will bring about a fresher look for the world’s most popular operating system. Aside from updates to Windows 10’s interface, here are some functionality improvements you can expect. The update — named Windows...