AI-powered VoIP | What businesses can expect

Automating business processes is a necessity for most organizations. While the human element is still important, automation increases time to market and saves money. And because telecom is an essential part of businesses’ operations, AI developers are introducing...

The basics of serverless computing

Serverless computing is one way to reduce management burdens brought about by the need to configure several servers. But before you adopt this technology, it’s important that you first understand its basic principles as well as how you can leverage it to improve your...

Amazing improvements in Office 365

If you’re an Office 365 subscriber, you’re in for some souped-up enhancements. Most involve artificial intelligence (AI) making sense of your data for you, so you spend less time and effort manually processing it. Here are a few of the latest enhancements that’ll give...

Simplify logging in with Windows Hello

Just like in sci-fi movies, Microsoft’s biometric logins can now recognize your face, fingerprint, or eyes when you attempt to access your device. Here’s everything you need to know when setting up Windows Hello. Say hello to fingerprint, iris, and facial scans...

5 Reasons to use Google Data Studio now

Google is well known for its powerful search engine, but did you know it also offers intuitive business intelligence tools? Google Data Studio is one of the tools in the Google Analytics 360 Suite, and many companies are already raving about it. What is Google Data...