Running an SMB has never been more complex. Leading one of these businesses requires ongoing attention to more than just business goals. It’s essential that your organization is protected from external cybersecurity threats, and learns how to utilize IT to support productivity and so much more.

This can be difficult if you rely on a small internal IT team or use break-fix services to deal with issues as they arise. This leaves IT as an afterthought, which could be extremely damaging as soon as critical problems arise.

Managed IT services provide the next generation of support for growing businesses, offering expertise and hands-on assistance exactly when you need them most.

The Top 10 Signs Your Business is Ready for Managed IT Services

So, how will you know when your company could benefit from managed IT services? There are lots of warning signs that can help you identify when the time has come.

Let’s explore some of the most important below.

1. Your IT team is constantly overwhelmed

An internal IT team is a hugely beneficial resource. However, they are only as good as the time they have to spare. If they are continually busy monitoring daily IT needs and dealing with internal support requirements, that doesn’t leave them much time to deal with long-term planning. This can be dangerous and inhibit future growth.

2. Your cybersecurity is a concern

The best way to approach cybersecurity is through a proactive stance. If you aren’t handling your cybersecurity proactively, there’s a strong likelihood that your system is vulnerable to issues ranging from ransomware to phishing. This puts everything you’ve built at risk unless you can enlist an expert to help.

3. Your business was affected by the Rackspace outage

Was your business affected by the recent Rackspace outage? This cloud computing outage hit millions of customers who could not access their email for more than 12 days. If your company was affected, it’s a sign to consider how a managed IT services provider in Nashville can help you set up a more robust business communications system in the future.

4. You don’t have a disaster recovery plan

If you have no current disaster recovery plan, nothing is standing between your business and unending downtime if it were to be affected by a natural disaster, data breach or similar incident. A managed IT services provider can help you develop a disaster recovery plan that protects your business.

5. Your IT seems reactive rather than proactive

Being reactive to threats is dangerous, especially when it comes to technology. If your business currently has a reactive approach to IT, you must move to a more proactive cybersecurity posture before an incident occurs.


Managed IT services, managed IT services Nashville


6. Your technology infrastructure is slow and cumbersome

It’s intensely frustrating to your staff when outdated IT keeps them from getting work done. If your current technology infrastructure is slow and approaching obsolescence, it’s time to work with a managed IT services provider that can offer alternatives and help you develop a better solution.

7. Your business has no mobility or flexibility

If employees wanting to work remotely threw a massive wrench in your plans, chances are your IT doesn’t offer much mobility or flexibility. It’s easy to improve both factors by enabling new technologies with the help of a hands-on managed IT services provider.

8. There are IT projects you’d like to explore but don’t have the time

Moving your technology forward requires a team capable of handling long-term planning. If your current team is just too busy to explore useful emerging technologies, it’s definitely time to engage a managed IT services expert.

9. You have no access to key business metrics

Your data provides an incredible amount of information that can be used to make better data-driven decisions. If you have no access to these key business metrics, it’s likely holding your organization back.

10. You want a more secure and stable IT budget

Does your current IT budget regularly change without explanation? This fluctuating expense can be tricky to manage. Instead, you can rely on a managed IT provider to offer bundled services and ensure you’re only paying for what you need.

Ready for a More Strategic Future?

If your organization is ready for a more strategic future with the help of experts in IT support from Nashville, now is the time to reach out. The team at Tech Squared is always ready to speak to new SMBs in the Nashville area that need ongoing support to ensure their technology facilitates greater productivity, scalability and flexibility.

If your business is ready to engage in a more strategic approach to managed IT services, book a meeting with us today.